Green Light For New Shopping Centre In Solihull
03 November 2022
Posted in Company News
Mercia Real Estate Have Secured Detailed Planning Consent For Knowle Place

Mercia Real Estate have secured detailed planning consent for the refurbishment and redevelopment of St John’s Way, shopping centre in Knowle.

The major development project will completely transform the former shopping precinct into a more vibrant and exciting place to live, shop and meet.

Plans involve refurbishment and upgrade works to the existing shopping centre providing ground floor commercial units with some first-floor storage space.  28 residential apartments at first floor level and the creation of a second floor to provide 19 residential apartments, additional car parking and the provision of a number of new, secure and covered cycle bays, landscaping and the associated works including demolition of two existing overpasses.

Knowle Place, formerly St John’s Shopping Centre, will create new space for employment generating new jobs, opportunities and prospects for the wider village.  The new place will create additional homes which will provide somewhere people can come to work, shop and live and better reflect the vibrancy of the village and wider community.

Samuel Clark, CEO of Mercia Real Estate commented “ We are thrilled to have been granted planning consent for Knowle Place.  Our extensive investment into this fresh, new development will positively influence the village and the immediate surroundings in addition to providing a beneficial sense of place and a focal point for developing an enhanced sense of community”.

Samuel added “The new development will represent the needs and aspirations of the existing and future local community.  We will continue to work closely with Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and aim to re-establish and revive the former shopping centre by creating an exciting place to live, shop and meet by investing in the area providing Knowle and the local community with a centre that better reflects the aspirations of its local community”.

It is envisaged that the development project will provide an opportunity for new employment together with new residential space.  Knowle Place will be the springboard for the high Street as a whole.  As with increased footfall to visit new and exciting retailers, existing retailers will be able to invest and prosper.

It is hoped that this project will have a  positive impact on the local community for years to come.

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