Mercia Real Estate (MRE) has been granted planning permission for the mixed-use redevelopment of 10 – 38 Birmingham Road, Sutton Coldfield.
The regeneration of these buildings along the main thoroughfare into Sutton Coldfield will provide a mix of commercial uses at ground floor level and residential on the upper floors.
Samuel Clark, CEO of Mercia Real Estate said “This key access point from Birmingham into Sutton Coldfield has seen little in the way of regeneration and we hope that this scheme will give the arrival to the town the appearance it deserves and provide both high quality residential dwellings and retail units directed at small businesses. We hope to be able to retain as many of the existing tenants as possible in the new scheme.”
The development will create new space for employment, creating new jobs, opportunities and prospects for the wider high street. The new place will create additional homes which will provide somewhere people can come to work, shop and live, and better reflect the vibrancy and vitality of the high street and wider community.
The redevelopment of this portion of Birmingham Road is a catalyst for the much-needed regeneration of the town centre and the northern gateway to the town a new lease of life.